Just a girl in her natural Habitat

Oh hello there, friend…

What on earth does #AngieKlineWasHere mean, you ask?! Well, let me tell you just that!

The hashtag #AngieKlineWasHere has become a pseudonym for all of the ridiculous and crazy antics in my life. I am a person who either does things or has things happen to me, that don’t happen to just the average person…

… Checking a bag onto an airline filled with NYE party favors yet pack my clothes in a carry-on backpack.

… Spilling gasoline all over myself on a second date.

… Open the front door to my house and a bird flies into my living room.

This list could continue but you get the gist.

At the core of it all, I am a girl just a small town girl, living in a (not-so) lonely world . . . who has a heart for people. As an Enneagram 2 (shoutout to all my Enneagram peeps!), it is my desire to use my #AngieKlineWasHere shenanigans and experiences to changes people’s lives for the better.

I want to inspire.

I want to motivate.

I want to guide people to a better version of themselves because #AngieKlineWasHere.

Before taking #AngieKlineWasHere on the road, I was helping thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world create and launch online businesses as Community Manager with Amy Porterfield. Proceeding that, I managed affiliate relationships with radio stations nationwide for The Dave Ramsey Show. I started my career with a tenure working in Public Relations and Marketing for Disney Parks & Resorts before making the move to Nashville, Tennessee. I am a Michigander by blood. A Tennesseean by local, but I’ll always be a Disney girl at heart! Oh, and I love all things brightly colored and glittery — if you hadn’t picked up on that already <wink!>

I’m so glad you’re here, and I so look forward to working together!